Questa composizione comprende i due lavabi freestanding art. AURAW e art. ASTROW in Icemood colore Gran Cru completi di illuminazione a led; rubinetteria INDIGO

art. ND902 finitura nero opaco. La carta da parati TRALERIGHE è art. RO1030P e art. Q30P.

A soffitto tre lampade Apollo art. APOLLOS1 verniciate Nero goffrato.

This composition includes the two freestanding sinks art. AURAW and art. ASTROW in Icemood Gran Cru color complete with led lighting; INDIGO taps

art. ND902 matt black finish. The TRALERIGHE wallpaper is art. RO1030P and art. Q30P.

Three Apollo ceiling lamps art. APOLLOS1 lacquered embossed Black.