The Top - Puro

Puro Marazzi Antibacterial elimina fino al 99,9%

batteri e altri microrganismi nocivi, contrastando

in modo rapido ed efficace la loro proliferazione

e prevenendo la formazione di macchie

e odori sgradevoli. La tecnologia Puro consente

anche di preservare a lungo le qualità estetiche

e tecniche dei piani

in gres porcellanato, ideali

per realizzare top cucina,

tavoli e lavabi in spazi

residenziali e commerciali.

Puro Marazzi Antibacterial eliminates up to 99.9%

of bacteria and other harmful microorganisms,

rapidly and effectively combating their proliferation

and preventing the formation of stains and

unpleasant odours. The Puro technology also

ensures long-term conservation of the appearance

and technical qualities of porcelain stoneware

surfaces, which are ideal for the construction of

kitchen countertops, tables and washbasins in

residential and commercial locations.