A Story of Beauty. Over Time.

There has always been a vocation that has influenced,

permeated and driven every action behind Ceramica

Sant’Agostino: a calling for Beauty.

Beauty in aesthetic and practical terms, first and foremost.

Beauty that has distinguished our journey and our image,

starting with the essence and leading to the very fruit of this

Beauty: the Product.

One-of-a-kind products, that have identified models and begun

trends in the creation of designer tiles; which have, over Time,

made our Trademark synonymous with and a guarantee of

quality and exclusivity, reliability and exceptionality; that have

been proudly imitated, introducing stylistic evolutions in the

market of ceramic surfaces.

However, this vocation not only requires, it demands, elevated

and constant commitment, that does not admit distractions

or compromises. An integral commitment that involves every

single person and every single resource in our company. Every

single day. Our attention and perseverance are always high, they

never wane.

A vocation, as we were saying, that stems from much earlier:

from a unique place, Ferrara, a distance from major ceramic

production centres, making it, one might say, pure, neutral, free,

“discordant”. And a city, namely Ferrara, the capital of a great

history of power, art and culture: the Estense Duchy, homeland

of Humanism and especially the Italian Renaissance, homeland

of great artists and scientists, and intellectuals, from Mantegna

and Tiziano to Boiardo, Ariosto and Tasso, to Copernicus and

Bembo, thanks to patrons such as Ercole I d’Este, Duke of Ferrara.

Time has led this heritage and vocation dedicated to Beauty

to the present date and to us, the protective heirs of a

tradition which, since the great Ferrara of the Renaissance,

has continuously striven towards innovation, in the pursuit of

absolute, perfect, eternal Beauty that is impervious even to

Time. Time, who is, on the other hand, the true great witness

and guardian responsible for forever preserving its historical,

artistic, cultural, social value: in a word, human.