les iconics.

Once upon a time,

there was aged


Now, more than ever, does the spirit of

aged parquet bring an extra level of depth

to a modern interior. Created from oak,

Les Iconics echoes the parquet floors in grand

manor houses of old. The use of incredibly

unique mechanical and manual procedures

results in an exceptional look and feel.

Hammered bevels create irregular edges,

intense brushing to reproduce an age-old

effect, barely detectable traces of saw or

scuff marks...

Beneath the genuine charm lies prowess

that leaves nothing to chance. Not even your

encounter with these exceptional, timeless

planks! Appearance, colour, texture... these

have all been taken care of in order to lay

the very best, ultra-resistant, aged parquet

at your feet. Naturally oiled, brushed,

or smoked – the rigorous minimalism of

our Aged, Rustic, Chevron, or Herringbone

will fulfill your greatest desires.

Oak Rustic Hortus