Autori: biografia sintetica e opere | Authors: brief biography and main works

Zaven | Enrica Cavarzan & Marco Zavagno

Enrica Cavarzan (Castelfranco Veneto, 1977) and Marco Zavagno (Trieste, 1977).

Severity and verve. Zaven’s design practice merges the conceptual daring of

contemporary art with the rule-based creativity of graphics, enabling the firm to

interface both with the world of industry and with the museum and gallery scene.

Responsive to all the latest trends but well aware of the history of design and

architecture, Zaven provides a contemporary viewpoint particularly dense in meaning,

embracing both two-and three-dimensionality.

The only Italian design firm chosen by Nike for the 2016 Salone del Mobile, Zaven

was the subject of an individual show at the Triennale in Milan and exhibited in the

“The Future is Handmade” collective show at the Kalmar Konstmuseum.

The institutions with which it has worked, often on themes of visual

communications, include Ca’ Foscari University, Sandretto Re Rebaudengo

Foundation, IUAV University in Venice, Sindika Dokolo Foundation (Luanda), the Venice

Biennale and the Russian V-A-C Foundation.

Its clients include: Agusta Westland, Antolini Marmi, Atipico, CC Tapis, Knoll,

Mercedes, MINI Bmw, Miniforms, Nike, Novamobili, PaolaC, Red Bull, Replay Jeans,

Galleria Luisa delle Piane, Galleria Secondome, Seletti, Telecom Italia, Tod’s.

Between 2012 and 2015, Zaven came together with a group of designers with

a similar approach to found the Something Good contemporary design accessories

brand, one of the first to give visibility to craftsmanship, pointing the way to a trend

still growing today.


Galleria Secondome

Roma - Italia


Pipe Dream

per | for

Santa Margherita,

The surreal Table

Milano - Italia


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