
click any way

fast & easy

you want


Installing your Pure click

floor will give you instant


Instant satisfaction, thanks to the

fast and easy installation with our

DreamClick®. It takes no more than

4 steps:

1. Allow the planks or tiles to adjust to the

environment for 48 hours

2. Clean the floor, install the appropriate

underlayment as necessary.

3. Install the floor using minimal tools.

4. Finish your floor with skirtings and

profiles for an optimal result.

Let’s make life even more easy:

- As the perfect renovation floor,

our Pure needs little preparation of

the subfloor, certainly if you use our

Dreamtec+ underlayment.

- Pure is suitable for floor heating and


- Using only knives and no saws, Pure has

a dust free installation

- As a thermally stable product, Pure

can be installed in front of large windows

More detailled installation instructions

can be found on our website or youtube

channel: berryalloc.com & youtube.com/


Inspiration, tutorials, installation

instruction videos and much more here: