Sales of Cordivari’s products are made according to the conditions listed below. Exceptions should be accorded in written by Cordivari Srl.


Goods are transported at buyer’s risk and peril, even if they are shipped

free of carriage. Goods have to be checked at the delivery about unaltered

packaging, missing or confused products in the presence of the forwarder.

Any claim has to be immediately communicated to the forwarder by

appointing the shipment’s document and by registered mail within 8

days from receipt of the goods (otherwise Cordivari Srl is cleared of his



Delivery terms are indicative. Failure to comply with the agreed delivery

terms for any reasons will not entitle the buyer to any compensation,

cancellation or modification of the order without our prior consent. In

case of strikes, lack in raw materials, or any other Act of God, Cordivari Srl

reserves the right to decide proper countermeasures; in this case Cordivari

Srl should be considered exempted from any responsibility. Shall ordered

goods not be collected within agreed date, the same will be invoiced and

stored with risks and costs charged to the customer.


Dry Weights, measures, surfaces, shapes, sizes, images and other figures

related to the products are merely indicative and Cordivari Srl may at any

time modify them.


All orders are valid only if accepted in written form by Cordivari Srl .

No orders shall be cancelled even partially without the consent of Cordivari

Srl. It will not be possible to modify the order when the production has

already started. Some cost due to the modifications or cancellation will be

charge to the buyer.



For Tessuto radiator and its accessories, Cordivari Srl offers warranty

terms and period according to the national law following the directive for

warranties 1999/44/CE, only if radiators are installed in closed heating


• The warranty period starts with the date of the delivery of the material by

Cordivari and this warranty is invalidated if the code of the radiator with

the date is removed or modified.

• Warranty is only valid if Cordivari S.r.l. is notified by registered mail about

the fault within 8 days since delivery.

• Warranty will take effect after having examined the defects and their

causes in the Cordivari plant.

• The materials that have to be replaced or repaired must be shipped free of

charge to the Cordivari plant.

Warranty will be applicable at the following conditions:

• materials must have been stored in good conditions and protected from

the inclemency of the weather before installation;

• radiator did not have damages during transport, handling or installation;

• no alterations or reparations must be done without the prior consent of

the seller;

• the buyer must have paid all the bills within the pre-established deadlines;

• if for cleaning none of those aggressive, corrosive, substances not suitable

for radiators material have been used;

• the installation must have been done by professionals and in conformity

with all instructions an standards written on the technical data sheets

provided by Cordivari S.r.l.;

• no periodical emptying or charging of the system must have taken place;

• no aggressive chemical substances must have been added to the water of

the system

• the working pressure and temperature shown in the catalogue must

correspond to the current usage pressure and temperature;

• the caps and Accessorieses used must be original Cordivari materials;

• radiator has not been connected to a system with open expansion tank;

• the radiators must not have been connected to the sanitary water system;

The warranty doesn’t cover construction or dismantling costs to move the

product from/to the installation place.

In case of using antifreeze, it should never be used pure, but it has to be

diluted before including in the heating system.

© Copyright Cordivari S.r.l.

When you use anti-corrosion, it has to be compatible with all the material

composing the heating elements of the radiator.

In case of preinstalled Cordivari’s caps, each alteration of those caps will

void the warranty of the product. Cordivari will not assume responsibilities

for radiator assembled by other people and/even for caps which are not

provided by Cordivari. Cordivari’s warranty immediately cease in case of

reparations or modifications on products without the previous agreement

of Cordivari.

Heating system should be without any remaining of metals, calamine,

grease, and without presence of gaz.

Before starting the heating system, make a rinse to clean any residual from

the installation/working.

Warranty will not be valid in case of damages caused by electrical system.

The purchaser may not claim any other cost of direct or indirect damage to

person or properties resulting from above confirmed defects.


All invoices have to be paid according to the agreed deadline. Any delay,

even partial may suspend the planned deliveries. Overdue interest could be

charged at current rates.


Cordivari Srl remains owner of the delivered goods until they are not

completely paid. In case of failure to proceed to the payment, Cordivari

Srl could ask for immediate restitution of goods and keep the partially paid

amount as indemnity. Cordivari Srl can reserve the right to evaluate major

compensations deriving from the outstanding amount.


Prices are not binding and can be modified without prior notice, until the

goods are delivered. Prices are intended on FCA-MORRO D’ORO Incoterm

2010 basis, except in case of written agreements. For some voluminous

delivery Cordivari may charge some extra-costs. All prices indicated do not

include V.A.T.


The Order value is minimum EURO 2.000,00. Given orders are binding to

the buyer, who acknowledges of all our sales conditions.

Delivery is considered to customer main place/warehouse; for any different

destination please get in touch with our sales dept.


For the following Catalogue and conditions only the provisions of Italian

law will be used. For controversy, the Court of Teramo (Italy) shall have

exclusive competence. Essential and trial law shall be exclusively Italian.


Being a translation, the Italian language is the only valid language for

interpretation and conditions of tis catalogue version (excluding paragraph 9)

All rights such as reproduction, diffusion and translation are reserved. No part of this brochure can be reprinted or reproduced to any other form without a written authorization

by Cordivari Srl. The present catalogue substitutes and invalidates all previous editions. Cordivari reserves the right to modify in every moment products and figures reported in the

catalogue and has no responsibility for any press mistake.